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Client Case Studies

This Large Technology Company ...

... moved from taking $3.8bn/year (at today's rates) from the public purse, to being a Global $multibillion, multinational, blue chip that could pay its own way (& its debts)... whilst at the same time reducing headcount from 235,000 to 85,000 staff ... WITH NO COMPULSORY REDUNDANCIES. It was undoubtedly the most unnoticed superb achievement of any organization at the time.

It did all this within 3 years after its managers and executives, company-wide, were shown how to create their & its Regenesis. Many of those managers and executives now have much better careers inside the blue chip itself or they have migrated to more prestigious positions in other companies and consultancies all over the world.

"This was the first time I saw the Regenesis process in action - I realized I had my hands on pure gold!"

Zero to $3million in 3 Years

Client Wins

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Join 8400+ Ambitious CEO's, Directors, Executives & Managers


This 3000+ Person Healthcare Provider ...

... went from $8702 ColumnK pa loss, to $3.3m surplus in 14 months after 107 of its managers and leaders were shown how to change the way they took action using the first version of the Regenesis System. All who took part went on to more senior positions.

This 500-person Government Department ...

....16 first and second-tier managers turned a $200k micro-investment in the Regenesis System into a $4.2m+ bottom line return on investment in 12 months. The work transformed the functioning of the department and uncovered and fixed an annual budgeting and planning errors that had been misapplying public funds every year. Those 16 managers went on to occupy more senior roles with greater responsibility in the years that followed.

In this $315m Health Care Provider ...

.... 42 managers and lead clinicians created a net return of $2.3m just 4 weeks of programme. Regenesis MasterMap 4 led them to create a significant improvement to their work area. The change transformed productivity within teams and greatly increased the quality and availability of services for patients


Case Studies

This Industrial Air Handling Manufacturer’s ...

... 5 senior managers built a failing subsidiary company, into a massively more profitable and effective organisation. Two years later the renewed company outgrew and bought out its parent company. These managers became highly paid Executive Directors on the new Board

The Vice President of this prestigious London University ...

... used Mastermap 2 in 1 day to reorient all its senior professors and lecturing staff to a new international teaching strategy. This carefully prepared intervention enabled the unversity to massively expand its global reach and attract many new internaional fee paying students


This well known Television Company ...

... was able to get its senior producers, directors, news team and managers to cooperate and work together using the Regenesis System. Their subsequent productions were sold worldwide and substantially increased their revenues

This veteran Chief Executive nearing retirement...

... used Regenesis to completely re-evaluate his legacy for his companies. Setting out a completely new vision, he and his team transformed his companies, and the way his managers and leaders were managed and developed. A new lease of life saw him take on new ventures with renewed energy and passion and has created a lasting legacy .

This Young Manager...

...used Regenesis to move from a $25,000/year team manager to $180,000/year Director. This young manager was stuck when we started working together. Within 15 months he was working at board level. He’s now a National Director in a massive healthcare provider. On the way he has gone on to transform many large healthcare organisations

This local manager...

... used Regenesis to become National CEO in less than a year. After learning how she could mobilise her 9 person team and their ideas last year, she has already transformed her local service provider into profitable national organisation and is its Chief Executive building its forward strategy and on the way to becoming the head of an international organisation.


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