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“March 2025 Regenesis Growth Programme"

Your Growth Journey With Regenesis Starts In MARCH”

STEP 2: Select the option you prefer to accelerate your progress:

OPTION 1: MARCH Regenesis Growth Program + 1 Full Year of Implementation Support: READY NOW Royalty Only Price: ₹12,500.00

Complete the form to begin

OPTION 2: FEBRUARY Prior Commitment Regenesis Growth Program With 3 Complementary Quick-Start Workhops 21, 22, 23 February (5-7pm IST) (11.30am-1.30pm GMT) (12-2pm EST)Complete the form to begin
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"Choose Your Growth Journey with Regenesis"

OPTION 1: (READY NOW Full Programme):

Title: Regenesis Growth Programme

Description: For ambitious professionals (or L&D Heads wishing to mobilise mgmt teams) ready to invest now in their own and their organization’s growth and success.

  • 3 x QuickStart Workshops: (Align People, Maximize Flow, Catalyze Expansion).

  • 1-Year Implementation Support: Monthly Workshops & Weekly Q&A).

  • Proven Tools and Strategies: to unlock hidden opportunities for growth, profitability, and career advancement.

Price: ₹12,500 (85% discount from ₹84,000).


Title: Prior Commitment Regenesis Growth Program

Description: For changemakers who ready to make an impact and want to be sure it's right for them before they commit to unlocking their latent growth/recurring revenue over expenditure

  • Complementary access: to the 3 quick-start workshops: Align People, Maximize Flow, Catalyze Expansion.(valued individually at INR 13,300 per workshop).

  • Exclusive insights and actionable strategies; to jumpstart your success.

At the end of the workshop you get the option to opt-in at the original price of INR 12500 to the full year’s implementation support: compring a full year of implementation support - Monthly Deep Dive Mastermap Workshops, Templates & Tools, and Weekly Live Q&A sessions


  • "Accelerate Your Career and Drive Organizational Excellence with World's Leading Universal Growth Framework.”

  • “From Misalignment to Flow: A Proven 12-Step Journey for Career and Organizational Enhancement

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Thomas Welsh Publishing & RegenesisWorks.com | All rights reserved